I have decided that I want to attend the opera in the very near future, and by that I mean, hopefully within the next two years.
Sometimes I wonder why I am pursuiting or thought of pursuiting architecture, especially when I sit down and let music come and enter my soul.
I think, and realize that the one passion I trully have in life is to play beautiful music. With that being said, I am determined to have a grand piano by the time I am 25 for I have something that I want to start working on. It will likely take me the rest of my life to complete, but it would be a labour of love.
I want to write a symphony piece. One that will last generations. That is most likely the single most important goal I see myself trying to accommplish over my life. I have already put together a number of small pieces that could be worked into a larger piece. What I want to create is something so immense, so grand, that it would be a musical journey that would take the listener through history, and around the world. Something that would make them changed once completeing such a musical odyssey. Is such a piece possible though? One that leaves someone changed on a different level. One that will have an impact on their soul? Is such a piece possible? So powerful? so moving?
I want to think there is. Hence the reason I have decided that I will be returning to my music, and will be taking lessons once again. I will finish the Royal Conservatory. I will get my teacher certificate. I have already invested 15 years of my life into this. I don't want those years to be in vain.
With such a background, appreciation, understanding, love and passion for music...I want to believe that I can complete a piece. Maybe not one as grand as I tried to convey before. But even if I complete a composition and hear it preformed. That would be satisfaction enough. Then again, that is not a question of if, but of when.
Such grandiose dreams. I really need to bring my dreams down to a level of some reality. But then again...Dreaming big is free...