Monday, September 27, 2004

Seriousness vs. Weirdness

Alright, I have now noticed that my blog has become really serious. Especially of late. The light heartedness seems to have disappeared. What happened to Gurt, Gustafer and Geraldine? And what of Anastasia and Nicholas? Or Paris and Brad? Sprites, Pixies, Crowns, and Absinthe. I don't know if I like the seriousness of this, but I mean, this is who I am, this is what is on my mind. This is my life. So does that mean my life has become more serious, more (GASP!) down to earth and out of the atmosphere? Or are there just more problems arising in my life than usual? So many questions. Or perhaps I am changing. Perhaps I am growing up. Or maybe there isn't enough time for me to kid around. I don't like this seriousness. I know I have to face reality, and I have done so in the past, I live in reality, yet I was able to seperate myself from it at the same time. It was the only way I could stay so happy so constantly. I have changed I know that. But if that change means me losing my ability to always, ALWAYS, be in a cheerful mood, then I don't like these changes. I want to be back in the atmosphere where the air was light, the sun was bright, and everything was right. Is everything right for me? Yes. Could my life honestly be any better than it is right now? No, I don't think so. Life is grand, but so many questions, so much unfinished business to do. My time left here in this life is dwindling down rapidly. So much to do. So much to say. So much to see. So much left unsaid. Time may bo on for eternity, but see, I won't be, at least in this state of being. See, now I have become morbid again. Damnit anyways. I hate being on such a serious note all the time. Not enough time at all.
Ciao...I hope you had the time of yer life...


At 11:05 p.m., Blogger Jekisca said...

never fear, it's not the lightness that keeps people comming, its the person writing it, and if you choose to hide who you are you are doing an injustice to all.

At 1:31 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

I will never hide who I really am, all I am saying is I don't like the seriousness of my attitude lately, taht's all

At 1:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your change was a little drastic and abrupt for me or maybe I just didn't know you well enough before. But as long as you’re happy, go with it. Perhaps in this taboo darkness do your true colors await you...?

At 5:30 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

you knew me plenty well before, but i did go through somewhat of an abrupt change. Considering where I was before and where i am now.

At 5:31 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

change is a normal thing, accept it and move on, go with the flow.


At 5:35 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

which is exactly what i am doing!

At 6:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you adjust to the change though? Did you go from like white to black overnight?

At 6:51 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

The adjustment took place over a very short time, black to white over a one month period. Did it go well? For the first bit it went fine, but then about two weeks ago my entire personality changed and it was rough for a bit, but things are settling down. I am just finding a balance that's all. And once I find a balance I am sure I will resort back to my "normal" self. Heheheheeeeeee...


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