Sunday, September 26, 2004

Why me?

What defines a friendship? Is it a certain element of trust? Or perhaps it is a set of common experiences...or perhaps it is a reflection of yourself in them. Or perhaps there is none of these, and as they say opposites attract. I really don't understand the human psychology. The rush of emotions, the chemical transactions that occur. Or perhaps it is something much deeper than just the physical manifestations that occur. Do we recongize these people as those who had an effect on us in our past lives. For example in Hinduism, a friend in this life was a friend in a past life, and this pattern has been going on for many lifetimes. Perhaps the soul finds another mate. Or going back to an earlier post, perhaps these sparks singing out into the dark have found eachother. Friendships cann occur in just about any situation and they come and go. But how often is it that opne fidns a real friend? One you can trust. Life is so full of twists and turns. And many times cruel judgement is given out. There never is enough time in the day. Life is too short. I have been having a lot of those looking at yer watch and wondering where the time went. Why is life so short. It really is quite unfair. But no one ever said that life was fair. I dunno. I love life, but it honestly is too short. And there is nothing worse I have come to realize, then coming in at the end of a story. But then again, for every end there is almost always a new beginning. Here is to living life to its fullest. Cheers. and ciao.


At 1:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think too damn much! You should seriously consider writing a book.

At 5:32 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Hey, at least I think, unlike some people in this world...writing a book? Hmmm...sounds a bit drastic. I don't think the world is ready for such a book as well.

At 6:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to suggest that thinking was a terrible thing, I actually do believe you have some very insightful thoughts and that you should share them with more people. You are very talented, I love reading your blog.

At 9:16 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Do i know you?

At 9:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you know me!

At 11:39 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Who are you then? Names or nicknames would help. I'm sorry, i'm really really tired right now and i have a cough *cough cough* so ugggggggggh...stupid negative energy...must find purple energy...

At 1:10 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, what's purple energy? anyway, i'm going to leave it up to you to guess who this is...

At 1:28 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Ok, so that eliminates someone...pruple energy....uhmmm...go out for coffee with me sometime and we shall discuss it. and I have to say, either my mother (GASP) or Jen. Or maybe Bonnie...i honestly don't know...

At 1:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we'll be seeing each other again any time soon, so I'd really like you to explain to me the concept of purple energy right here. I'm intrigued. Anyway, keep on guessing!

At 1:34 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

so this isn't jen? i am confused...

At 1:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I've confused you!!! hahahaha...
You'll never find out who I am!!!

At 1:40 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

jen...hello...confusion is a good is A&W strawberry milkshakes...yum yum...i crave them right now!


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