Sunday, October 17, 2004

Whatever happened to Fay Wray?

There comes a time when every story must come to an end, no matter how legendary it has become. Everyone will recognize and know when this happens, yet few will actually acknolwedge that it has happened and carry on and move on. Some will live in denial, hoping, just hoping that there is a chance that the story may add another chapter to itself, that it may just carry on, even if only in the slightest degree. I feel sorry for those people. Yet i also feel sorry for myself. To recognize and know that it is coming, the end is near. It actually is quite painful and emotions really do run rampant. It was tough enough to come in at the end of a story, but having been brought into it so fully it does and will hurt when it comes to an end. People will scatter like the leaves do in a strong breeze. We will all go our own seperate ways and we will lose contact with eachother. The force, that tree, that was keeping us together is dying. Fall has arrived and the tree is shedding its leaves. There will be a few of us who will stay friends, but for the majority it will be the end of knowing eachother. For every end there is a new beginning. That is what is happening here. I already see the roots of a new tree taking hold in the ground. And it seems that this tree will be a strong one. But it will take a lot of effort from all sides in order for this one to be a strong healthy one. Hopefully it will last for a long time, I hope so. I really like the people I've come to know in the past few weeks. I really do want to see where all this will go. But only time will tell. Anyways. I am done with my musings for the afternoon. So i bid all of you a nice day, and ciao!


At 9:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

More metaphors, eh? *thumbs up*


At 9:54 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Metaphors are the only way to get around these days it seems. Meh, i wrote wut was on my mind at the time and the fact that we're in fall right thought trees made a good comparison. But as we both have said time and time again! ENOUGH OF THIS TOPIC! so i am now done. I have written out how i feel and therefore it does not need to be brought up weather...its snowing...and you got yer phone back too...yes......

At 4:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah it happens, there stuff that can be done, but no ones willing to work together to fix shit

At 6:08 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Ai...too bad no one really is working together...ah well. But we will see what happens...


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