Saturday, August 14, 2004

I've tasted Blood!

So...this past Friday night I was out and about on the town. What excitement. Oh yes indeed. Three different bars, pissed out of my mind, yes quite a good night indeed. Started off with a train ride to 17th, there was aguy on the seat across from me who was singing along with his discman, and then when he got off he attempted to also dance along with it. How sad and pathetic. As soon as he got off, everyone around him burst out laughing, oh it was fcuktastic. But that brings me to this can people not realize how friggin terrible they are at singing and dancing? Like really...American Idol started that off especially with William Hung (Who is fcukin horrible) and that guy who sang "like a virgin"...fcukin horrible again. Get a life please! Some of you know who you are GET A LIFE! So once I got down to the club it was a ton o' fun. I got shit faced so very quickly, but did I have a good time? HELL YA! And then I ended up at a gay bar. Now that was interesting. But unfortunately it was very much dead, but oh well. And then after that it was yet to another bar. How fun. Three bars in one night. I'd say that is pretty damn impressive if I may say so myself. Considering I haven't really gone out yet since I turned 18. But I have decided that some people are so weird. I mean this one guy kept pulling me aside just for randomn stuff, it was weird. I mean this guy pulled me aside to watch him ride a bull thing at Outlaws. and then after I watched I was back out on the dance floor, and then I was pulled off to take a shot of Jager, so after that I was back out on the dance floor, and then I was pulled off yet again and this time the guy just stood there and smoked, not a word was spoken or anything. Yes it was very nice of him to buy me a shot of jager, but then again this was the same guy I watched kiss another guy earlier that evening so I didn't know what to think. Oh well. He seemed really nice. Meh. But see now I am puzzled. Why are people the way people are? I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but like are we born with our personality or do we take it on by going through experiences in life. I know that there have been numerous studies into this, but I don't know. Anyways I am gonna sign off now considering I don't know how much sense I am making right now. I swear that Veggie quesdilia was spiked with something i feel so weird right now. But meh. By the way Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia means a fear of long words. How ironic. Anyways, Ciao!


At 2:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey y'all, Tequila was great once it finally picked up, thanks for buying my friend a drink...she kept stealing mine, headed over to detours, it was supposed to be vamp night, oh well, sat talk one time i haven't been there and seen people make out- i missed it! got asked by a friend if i was the one she made out with last month at kink- wasn't me, headed over to detours, i just loved the convos that occured in the car, drunk people have the best convos to listen to, ended up at detours lent jenn my shirt- i was wearing a tank underneath it! good times, got hit on by a 14 yr old that thought he had style< I DON"T THINK SO!> and the best quote of the evening "no guy with a shiny dragon shirt is going home with anyone" seeing the two guys on the mechanicle bull made the night tho

At 3:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

also i kept being left alone on the dance floor, oh well nothing i could do about that, dance dance dance, didn't got on the speakers this time tho, oh well. some people are idiots btw, and i don't need to hear about dirty bar panties and how people get them and what not, ewww....

At 3:23 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Tequila's was awesome...well i noticed yer friend stealing that drink so I thought I would rescue was very disappointed in Detours, except for the trading that was humerous. I don't really remember much about the convos in the car, but I am blaming that on the fact that I smashed my head into something in your car, no bump tho...missed the 14 year old thing cuz i was off prolly watching those two guys on the mechanicle bull..and sorry about the dancing alone thing...i was constantly being pulled off the floor by that guy Cam...

At 3:25 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

the 14yr old was the guy with the fcuking shiny dragon shirt dude

At 3:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you were standing across from me when he kept coming up to me also

At 3:30 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

I swear I don't remember seeing any 14 year olds with shiny dragon shirts...all I remember was that really short dude who looked like he was 15 and the indians with their Bandanas and that guy playing tonsil hockey with my friend...there were so many jail bait kiddies there...sorrys!

At 3:34 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Oh! Now I remember him! That little shyte faced punk! No kiddin eh about "no guy with a shiny dragon shirt is going home with anyone" that shirt was friggin awesome eh? NOT! "I've got style" BullShyte man...

At 3:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was trying so hard not to laugh in his face, mwahaha, "BUt I've got style" "NO YOU DON"T" going down in history, did you see all the bar stars at tequila, it was an overload that night

At 3:42 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Those bar*stars* were great..Hahahaaa...and then there was Josh getting all huffy with the guys here wearing cowboy hats with diesel and other designer duds...Hey this is Cowtown dude, what else did you expect to find? But fcukin diesel...oh I just found a new rant! Awesome! Anyways, back to Shiney-Dragon-Boy it really didn't help that he didn't exactly get the best of the gene pool now did it? What a dupe...

At 6:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol didn't get the best of the gene pool is great


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