Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What's the point?

So after the events of last night, i couldn't help but wonder what the point of keeping an online journal/blog is? Honestly though, what is the point? I mean, we are not trully honest because we already know that word gets back to those around us, and usully that results in hurt feelings and such. Like what happened last night. But i mean, I enjoy writting out my opinions and feelings, that way I can really see where I stand when it comes to certain things. Weird? Perhaps, but it makes sense to me. I mean, I rarely ever talk about the people in my life, like what i think of them, and how i feel about them onn my blog. I don't even have another journal for that anywhere, which is weird but at the same time no. I don't feel the need or urge to write out how i feel about people, I am quite content with all of it in my head, and actually, people usually do know where they stand with me. Usually. And if they don't know, well, just ask. Or do something to piss me off and then see where we are after that. But as I say time after time, people come and people go, just enjoy the times you got to spend with them. Though, the truth be told, I am honestly scared of people leaving. I thoroughly like the people who are in my life these days, and I really don't want to drift away from them, whether they be the good friends i kept from high school that moved away, or the people I got close to over the fall and then subsequently moved off. Yes I seem all good with it on the surface, but thruth be known, on the inside I'm upset. I've moved away from friends many times before as a result of me being a military brat. But still, it doesn't make it any easier at all. And as I get older, I find that it almost hurts more and more each time. Ah well. Perhaps with everyone seemingly moving off somewhere, perhaps that is what is pushing me, no, driving me to get as far away from everyone as possible. Hence the reason I am so fascinated with living and working in Duha, Qatar; half a world away. But by that same token I would be so unbelievably lonely. I dunno. I need to find a balance. And I know i am just blubbering on at the moment, but I am not really sure where i stand with all of this yet. Ah! There is a point for my blog, to be honest with myself, to reveal my true feelings and thoughts I guess to myself, and whoever else really cares to read this. I originally started this thing trying to see how many people would actually visit my blog and hear what I have to say. But that then evolved into something much more i think. Not an extension of my life, haha, not that far, but a place for me to think about the events that go on around me. Ah well, i know this thing hasn't stopped evolving yet, it probably will eventually at some point, but not right now. I dunno, i guess I will just have to wait and see. Anyways, onwards I guess...but at the moment, I must be off for other things. Cheers and ciao. Have a good one.


At 4:18 p.m., Blogger Di said...

I understand that completely

At 10:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use mind to post pictures I wake up sticky to.

At 11:47 p.m., Blogger Roo said...

Like Scarlett Johansson? I like Angelina...


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