Sunday, April 10, 2005

In Conclusion...

Well...another week has come and gone...yet again.

Was finally able to hit up the town again tonight after the lull of the last few weeks....blah. Was gonna go out last night as well as it was Melissa's birthday, but for some reason i got such a headache that tylenol or advil couldn't exactly help...even light i was in for the evening, i hope i never ever get one of those things Melissa, I must apologize for not gettin there...and as a side note as well, my car is yet again in the shop...stupid fucking deer, i wish they didn't just saunter into the middle of the roads like they do...but them hitting my car was an entertaining, yet expensive sound. So ended up chillin at moxies for a while tonight, drinkin margaritas...and Mantini's...which I recommend no one ever get...jager + peach schnaps = disaster. And then it was over to Sal's on 17th, which will likely join the list of cool joints to go in lieu of the big clubs...actually it already has joined that list...a list which includes Lucky, Melrose, Moxies, Detours, and now Sal's....and well Mynt too I guess...only one more place I feel like checking out and that's the Metropolitan Grill...except I won't go in there without a few 50's in my pocket...
Haha, I get to play T.S. Eliot this coming week in a class production...these should be great, I get to bicker with Robert Browning over Dramatic Monologues...gotta love English 240. Oh, and I get to smoke some shisha tomorrow, this i am excited for...i was with Suzy today when she bought her Hooka, so she said tomorrow when she is off work, we're gonna hit up Cafe Med to smoke some Shisha and eat some cheesecake (well, I will be anyways)
The Pope is now buried....and I was actually sad I wasn't in Rome for his funeral, and I am especially sad I am gonna miss the conclave...I love tradition and pageantry which is part of the reason why I am such a monarchist, and another reason why I am glad I wasn't around in Nazi Germany, as I would have been such a sucker. But John Paul the Second's funeral was filled with tradition, with pageantry, and I mean, one of the things I dearly miss out of living in Europe is that there is never the sound of bells tolling in North America, well at least Western Canada. When I heard the ringing of the Bell of Saint Peter it brought me right back to Germany...when the bells would toll at the Stuttgart churchs. Anyways.
School is almost finished, Dani's grad is less than a month, and amends are being made. Busy time coming up...and yet again, life will go on...most likely at a much too fast a pace...

As a final note to ponder....why is everyone getting hurt or dying these days? I mean, scrolling down my MSN buddies list...there are so many names like "I fell down the stairs, and ow is all I can say" or "Ow" or "I fell down and hurt myself, ouchy" like what is going on? Is the moon so out of wack that it is causing a shift in gravity? or what? And the Pope died, as did Prince Albert...right, Prince Albert of Monaco passed away...sigh...well, time to go play with some knives and fire while drinking gin...i hoope to see you all tomorrow...
p.s. using elipses' are so much fun...!


At 9:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got sliced to shit with a broken beer bottle friday night, so ys, people are getting hurt everywhere.



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