Once again...bored...
------------------GENERAL INFO------------------
* Starting Time: 11:56
* Name: Andrew Henwood
* Star sign: Gemini
* School: U of shit, commonly known as U of Calgary
* Location: Calgary
* Colour of eyes: Blue
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Missed school because it was raining: Nope...missed it because of a flood once tho...if that counts
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Yes...hands and feet...and i let Dena light my finger on Fire a while back too
* Thrown someone in a bonfire: No
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes...but who hasn't?
* Kept a secret from everyone: Not secrets really, but i mean ya have to ask...
* Cried during a Movie: Uhm...yes actually...and quite recently too, but I can't remember which one
* If so what film: As said before, I can't remember which one...i know i almost did in the Notebook...and Titanic...hahaha
*ever thought an animated character was hot? Yes! Daria! and Quinn as well too...
* Been sarcastic: Uhm, me and sarcasm go together like milk and cream...huh?
* Shampoo: Got2Be
* Soap: LUSH! All the way...!
* Favourite colours/shades/tints: Silver Tempest, Midnight Blue, Tan, and finally brushed silver or steel too
* Summer/Winter: Gah! uhm...uhm...i like spring cuz its the best of both...but if i absolutely had to choose...Summer
* Cartoon Characters: Daria...or Mrs. Incredible (elastigirl)
* Food: Pizza, Filet Mignon (Medium/Rare of course)
* Movie: Gah! Too many...but if I absolutely had to choose one...The Pianist...but that will prolly change by tonight...but other favs include: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Pay it forward, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Hocus Pocus, Signs, Run Lola Run, Gladiator...and the list could go on and on...
* Ice Cream: Generally any soft ice cream...but flavoured stuff would be Cookie Dough, or Rolo * School Subject: Nature of Religions, French History, Philosophy, generally Social Sciences
* Animal: Penguins, Llamas, and Emus (Haha, ppl stop giving me penguins, i have enough!)
---------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: my new t-shirt and some jeans
* Eating: My lip
* Drinking: Water
1. Why the hell did my English Prof not show up?
2. About this Friday
3. I want that Hoody from Divine...
* Listening: Tweeter and the Monkey Man - Headstones
------------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS---------------
* Cried: No
* learned something new: Yes, my car will never actually be fully clean...
* Cleaned your room: Yes...
* drove a car: I live in my car practically these days
* Been pissed off: Yeah, exactly 24 hours ago...
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
* Santa: Haha, uhm...no...
* Toothfairy: As soon as the money stops, so will my belief
* Angels: Yeah actually I do
* Elves: Uhmmm...isn't santy claws a big Elf? if so then see above...
* Intelligent life in space: Lets just hope they are smarter than all of us nimrods running aimlessly around on this one, lost in time, lost in space and meaning...
-----FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a soul mate?: Sure...
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope
* Do you like anyone?: Yes. And I will leave it at that.
* Who have you known the longest?: Uhm...the famfam...otherwise...Andrea, Luke, and Mark
* The loudest: Mala and Marianne
* The shyest: Dianna
* The Weirdest: If only you people knew what goes in on my head...you would all prolly say me...otherwise...Mala with her essence of Chris Cornell thing, and now apparently necrophilia as well...or Cameron, and no explanation is really needed fer that one...
* Who has seen you cry: My Mommy when I was little
* When have you cried the most: When my cheek was torn open after a dog bit me
* What is the best feeling in the world: Pure absolute Bliss as in relaxation with not a care in the world. However, Revenge can be just as gratifying...
---------------ABOUT GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT---------------
* Boxers or briefs:
* Long or short hair:
* Six pack or muscular arms:
* Good or bad guy:
* Hat or No Hat:
* Tan or fair:
* Rugged or sporty:
* Accent or not:
* Immature or mature:
* Funny or not funny:
* Cute or sexy:
---------------ABOUT GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT---------------
* Regular underwear or thong: Regular
* Painted nails or not: Melissa's nails are the shit...painted is good
* Bra or sports bra: Bra
* Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy: Cute n' Crazy
* Dressy or casual: Both
* Dark or blonde hair: Blonde with Black
* Dark or light eyes: Light
* Good or bad gurl: Good, but one that doesn't mind getting into some mischief
* Intelligent or average: Intelligent
* Hair up or down: Down
* Jewelry or none: Some, nothing over the top tho
* Tall or short: Same height as me...
* Curly or straight hair: Depends on the girl...both works
* Pants or dress: Jeans?
* Tan or fair: Either, but Melissa rocks with her amazing tan! (or lack thereof!)
* Freckles or none: Some are cool, but nothing over the top again
* Accent or Not: Accent
* Shy or outgoing: Outgoing
---------------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT---------------
* Silver or gold: Brushed Silver, or Platinum
* Diamond or pearl: Diamonds are also a guys best friend
* Sunset or sunrise: Sunset...
* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No
* Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured: Sprained my Ankle, Chipped my Elbow
* Do you have any piercings?: Yes, 4
* If yes, what?: All in the ears...want more tho
* Rain, sun or snow?: Depends on my mood...
* How is the weather right now: Breezy, but sunny and fairly warm
* Do you like cookies?: Yes...yum
* Favorite number(s): 3, 4, 7, 13, 18, 21, 27
* most desirable interest(s): Music, Designing, Travel, Theater
* Who won't respond: I really couldn't give a rats ass who responds or doesn't...
* Ending time: 12:24
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